may, 2024

Event Details
This single-day gathering is a unique opportunity for artists, creative practitioners, businesses, community activists, social entrepreneurs, and third-sector organisations to explore the transformative power of creative social entrepreneurship. Why Attend: Discover
Event Details
This single-day gathering is a unique opportunity for artists, creative practitioners, businesses, community activists, social entrepreneurs, and third-sector organisations to explore the transformative power of creative social entrepreneurship.
Why Attend: Discover how creativity serves as a catalyst for change, contributing to people’s physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
At this event, you will:
- Gain insights from creative social entrepreneurs who have led wellbeing initiatives with significant positive impacts on individuals, communities, and places.
- Participate in interactive workshops aimed at raising awareness of opportunities to create wellbeing in a variety of context, unlocking entrepreneurial potential, and nurturing innovative ideas.
- Connect with like-minded individuals working across a variety of sectors, fostering collaborations across boundaries.
- Obtain information on how to put ideas into action, enterprise support available, grant funding and application processes.
This event is designed to be both informative and enjoyable, with the aim of motivating you to take immediate action. We believe in the power of creativity to inspire change, and this event is your opportunity to be part of that transformation.
Supported by USFP funds, this event is delivered in collaboration with Enterprise Durham Framework, Durham Community Action, and the Social Enterprise Team at the region’s Business Innovation Centre.
Don’t miss out on a day that could make all the difference! Join us at “What a Difference a Day Makes” to be part of a movement that celebrates the impact of creativity on economic regeneration and beyond.
This event is free but places are limited. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Individuals and organisations based in Durham will receive priority if this event is oversubscribed.
(Friday) 9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Bishop Auckland Town Hall
Market Place, Bishop Auckland DL14 7NP
Create North
RSVPing is closed at this time.
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