july, 2023

Event Details
Creative people often undervalue their time in comparison with other professionals. We’ll be looking at how to set a daily or hourly rate and, using your own work as the
Event Details
Creative people often undervalue their time in comparison with other professionals. We’ll be looking at how to set a daily or hourly rate and, using your own work as the starting point, unravel the knotty issue of how to value your artwork for sale.
We’ll consider the factors you need to take into consideration when you put a price on your work and you’ll begin to build a pricing strategy. One of those factors is possible representation by a gallery or agent so we’ll explore what representation entails, what you might expect and how such relationships should be managed.
This will be a practical workshop that will put a value on something that you’ve already created.
This workshops is for creative people living or working in and around Berwick who want to benefit from and contribute to the creative regeneration of the town.
The programme is a key component of Berwick Cultural and Creative Zone (CCZ) – a major cultural regeneration initiative taking place in the town centre. The CCZ aims to establish Berwick as a renowned arts town and celebrated cultural destination that supports its creative communities to develop and thrive.
The workshop is free but places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
(Thursday) 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Create North & Berwick CCZ
RSVPing is closed at this time.
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