may, 2023

Event Details
It’s back, our Stitch and Bitch session are resuming 4th May 2pm until 4pm, the café, Ushaw Historical House, and Gardens. Create North’s Stitch and Bitch informal get together meets on
Event Details
It’s back, our Stitch and Bitch session are resuming 4th May 2pm until 4pm, the café, Ushaw Historical House, and Gardens.
Create North’s Stitch and Bitch informal get together meets on the 1st Friday of every month at Ushaw Historical House and Gardens
There has been a long tradition of people coming together to Stitch ‘n Bitch, the name has been used to refer to social knitting groups since the 1940’s. Typically, attendees knit, though others known as ‘Happy Hookers’ crochet and others engage in cross stitching, embroidery and other needlecraft.
These informal events are open to anyone interested in knitting, crochet, stitch, weaving, tapestry, costume design, fashion – anything textiles. The idea behind them is that by coming together we can talk about the things we are passionate about with like minded people, share skills, admire each other’s work (or ask for help if needed) and share ideas and contacts.
The next stitching event will take Friday 4th May between 2pm and 4pm, so come along and join to by starting your weekend with a stitch, a bitch and a cup of tea and cake
This event is free, and everyone is welcome but please book your place here so we know how many seats to occupy.
(Friday) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Ushaw Historic House and Gardens
Ushaw Moor
Create North
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