april, 2023

Event Details
Making the Most of Berwick: New Opportunities for Artist and Creative Practitioners: Morning Workshop Berwick-upon-Tweed is becoming a Culture and Creative Zone! Cultural and Creative Zones are a place-based approach to investing
Event Details
Making the Most of Berwick: New Opportunities for Artist and Creative Practitioners: Morning Workshop
Berwick-upon-Tweed is becoming a Culture and Creative Zone!
Cultural and Creative Zones are a place-based approach to investing in the development, sustainability and growth of the cultural and creative sector aimed at regenerating high streets and local centres, improving quality of life for people and communities, and providing supportive and attractive environments for creative and cultural businesses and people to locate, start-up, grow, and flourish.
Jane Shaw of Create North is hosting a programme of workshops for artists, creative practitioners and creative micro-business to get together to explore how we can all, individually and collaboratively, benefit from making the very most of Berwick’s assets.
If you’re a painter, an illustrator, a writer, a maker of music and dance, a maker of stuff… a creative doer and you live or work between Berwick and the north shore of the Tyne, these workshops are for you.
This corner of England is crammed with unique natural, historic, and cultural riches. Many of the most familiar are represented in music, folk tales and visual arts, many others are little known and yet to be explored.
The workshops will be an exploration of ideas and opportunities deriving from the development of the Zone.
Over the course of the workshop, you will:
- Explore the potential of Berwick to inspire new creative and commercial opportunities.
- Find out more about the opportunities the zone will create and how to get involved
- Find links with creative and commercial networks that may add value to your practice
- Discuss your professional development needs
- Find links with creative and commercial networks that may add value to your practise
The workshops will be festooned with opportunities to spend time with other creatives and build your networks.
This is one of three identical workshops being run on the same day – so just book the slot that works for you.
The workshops are FREE, but places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment!
Headline image: Image Credit: www.taniawillis.com
(Tuesday) 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Create North & Berwick CCZ
RSVPing is closed at this time.
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