september, 2022

Event Details
In December 2022 Ushaw Historic House, Chapels and Gardens will be hosting its third Illuminating Ushaw event inviting visitors to a festive light spectacle throughout the grounds and gardens of
Event Details
In December 2022 Ushaw Historic House, Chapels and Gardens will be hosting its third Illuminating Ushaw event inviting visitors to a festive light spectacle throughout the grounds and gardens of Ushaw.
For the two previous events the installations have included both festive themed displays and contemporary art including the Rose Window by Mick Stephenson and Inside Out by Stuart Langley. In 2021, over 9000 visitors attended Illuminating Ushaw.
For Illuminating Ushaw 2022: Land of Enchantment, Ushaw would like to invite North East artists to submit proposals to make new artworks for the 12 night event. These could be light based works or artworks suitable to illumination within the gardens. Ushaw are looking for proposals that celebrate the theme of winter illuminations that will enchant their visitors.
Ushaw will be offering two £2000 commissions and Create North will be offering two £1000 grants to create work for the event.
To Support the initiative, Create North will be holding a half day workshop on Wednesday 7th September to explore the commissioning opportunities and take a tour of the event route.
The deadline for submission of proposals is Sunday 25 September. Successful proposals will be announced by 1 October 2022. Artworks will need to be installed by 29 November 2022 for the opening event on 30 November.
For further information including a map of the proposed visitor route please email
Create North will be creating additional opportunities to contribute to the Illuminating Ushaw event, keep an eye on our newsletters for info on future opportunities.
(Wednesday) 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Ushaw Historic House and Gardens
Ushaw Moor
Create North
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