Roughly one in six children in Britain have recognised special educational needs. Yet most teacher-training programmes only dedicate one day to special educational needs.
This not only leaves teachers both in mainstream and special needs schools underconfident in their abilities but also makes recruitment difficult.
Sunningdale School in Sunderland is a specialist provider of education for children aged from 2 to 11 who have severe, profound, multiple and complex learning needs.
Together with Create North Sunningdale has established SENhub a social enterprise linked to the school which offers training provision for teachers, parents and carers wanting to enhance the educational experience of children with special educational needs.
SENhub not only fills an urgent education sector need but has created an additional income stream for the school, ensuring they can continue to provide the very best educational experience these children deserve.
Our relationship with Sunningdale Schools has continued to grow and develop over the decade we have worked together. We are currently in the process of helping them further develop their teacher training programme as well as working on a number of cross-curricular creative projects in conjunction with special needs therapists.
Find out more about SENhub here