september, 2022

Event Details
Calling artists and creative people with an interest in heritage, visual arts and collaboration to join North-East based, visual artist Vicky Holbrough to bring together a group of creative people
Event Details
Calling artists and creative people with an interest in heritage, visual arts and collaboration to join North-East based, visual artist Vicky Holbrough to bring together a group of creative people to gain inspiration from each other and Ushaw Historic House, Chapels & Gardens.
Formerly a Catholic seminary, Ushaw is now quickly establishing itself as a fantastic centre of contemporary creative practice with over 50 resident artists, studio spaces and a rolling programme of arts activities for the general public.
As a seminary, the history is primarily told through the experiences of the men. This residency offers an exciting opportunity to consider the roles that women played in shaping and creating the place it was and is today.
Through the two-day residency, with Vicky participants will develop a creative response to the stories of the women of Ushaw. Participants will explore the heritage of the site and its inhabitants, with a focus on the women, their roles, and contributions from the past to the present.
Across the two days there will be talks, tours and behind the scenes access to parts of Ushaw not usually open to the public. Participants will be asked to introduce their own practice to others, share ideas and reflect together. Vicky will share insights into her career as an artist and offer a practical session in metal point drawing.
Active participation is expected (you’ll even be given your own sketchbook to record your thoughts and experiences), sharing is encouraged, and collaboration embraced!
Residency details
Monday 12th September 10am until 4pm
Tuesday 13th September 10am until 4pm
Lunch and Coffee will be provided.
Overnight accommodation is not included but can be booked by contacting Ushaw directly
Artist bio
Through a visual arts practice, Vicky Holbrough explores techniques such as sculpture, printmaking and drawing through participatory projects, commissions and residencies. These have included several public art commissions in Tees Valley and County Durham.
Vicky is one of four artists who make up blimey! – a female led Darlington based artist collective who work across a diverse range of creative practices. The collective is a catalyst for research led activity, using an adaptive and responsive approach in bringing individual voices together to explore collective practice.
She is a co-founder and director of artist-led arts organisation Navigator North, a Middlesbrough based, artist led organisation who develop and support visual artists and creative communities in the region. This includes providing creative space for artist studios, exhibitions and events, initiating and curating projects, artist commissions and residencies.
Event Image: The Madonna of the White Rabbit
Attributed to Thomas Jenkins (c.1722-1798)
12 (Monday) 10:00 am - 13 (Tuesday) 4:00 pm
Ushaw Historic House and Gardens
Ushaw Moor
Create North
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